Behold, my
PUPPP. Or, my
pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy. (If I lived in the UK, you would be beholding my PEP: polymorphic eruptions of pregnancy). Basically, in layman's terms, it's a skin rash that some
preg women get in the 3rd trimester that is harmless to mama and baby but itchy as f*ck. It starts on the belly and sometimes spreads, and they are little red hive-like blistery things that you want to claw at, but you do not claw at them, because that would be bad. Instead you put expired Calamine on them, and a homeopathic topical goo that is soothing. And you take an oatmeal bath but realize once you get in that the part of your belly that has the
PUPPP is the part of your belly that the water doesn't cover. So you awkwardly lie on your side, kind of, and then you kind of hunch over for a bit, and then you soak the washcloth in oatmeal-y water and lay it over the
PUPPP and then you just sigh and get out. Anyway. A Google image search for
PUPPP has assured me that I have nowhere near a bad case of this, as the pics that show up are hideous and horrendous and terrifying and make me pleased with my small rash that is,
for now knock on wood, not spreading. Though I found one near my hip yesterday.
Grrr. Again, it's harmless, I am not in any danger, I just have a lame rash that looks gross.
Luckily, I did my
America's Next Top Pregnant Model photo shoot with the esteemed Meg
Perotti, Photographer Extraordinaire last week (she did our
awesome engagement photos too—she's pretty much our Official Life Photographer), in my
PUPPP days, back when my belly was marred only by my gallbladder scar (very
PhotoShop-able). We had a great time taking the photos down in San Jo at Quicksilver Park, and, as always, I was/am so so impressed with her skills.
Yay Meg!
In other news, I have a headache; I am endlessly excited for this weekend's
Healdsburg shower (more on this tomorrow, when I don't have a headache); I had a dream that I saved my Senior Prom by taking over DJ duties and playing better music; Kelli arrives tomorrow night and this is very exciting; Rachel is now a Master of Urban Planning and I am very proud of her; I voted No on all the Props today; I am loving the
Golden Bears record that
Julianna sent us; Ivy kicks and punches and stretches
every time I eat, and responds especially forcefully to strawberry ice cream; and though I did not understand the LOST season, I enjoyed it greatly.
1 comment:
Kate! Your photos are BEAUTIFUL!!!! The photographer is obviously ruling(!), but the subject(s) are obviously independently beautiful people too!
I never had PUPP, nor have I heard of it before now, you seem to be at ease about it, so roll with it.
Headaches suck during pregnancy...tylenol was my best friend, along with a GIANT vat of TUMS for the past months (she was a hairly little baby). Uncooked rice in a clean sock, popped in the microwave for a short period, then placed on forehead or where ever the ache is can help, too. I have also become a huge fan of Lavendar oil and essences, as they are very soothing and relaxing aromas.
I'm so excited for you to have Miss Ivy! I can't wait for the photos! You are such a beautiful preggo!! (and non-preg, too, but exceptionally glowing now!) What a beautiful life will be created from you and your hub!!
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