JP, Buzz and I in front of one of my dad's many sheds.

Mom, Aubs and I post-shower, after I'd changed into my regular preg uniform of tank top and stretchy green pants.

Dana and I and Liony, my beloved stuffed lion. Somewhere along the line he lost all his stuffing; my mom refilled him, sewed him up, and now he's good to go.

Me and the fabulous Madeleine. She liked my necklace.

Insane amount of gits. Thanks everyone!

My dad worked quite hard on the yard, to great effect. Note that all brightly colored chairs are former crappy white plastic chairs that Doug transformed using spray paint! Amazing!

Some baby pics of Jason and I, and the Open Letters to Ivy Cat booklets that Ruby made. They're now filled with amazing messages of love from many friends and family members. So so great.

Gramma Judy had personalized M&Ms made.

Grammas in the kitchen!

The Sunday brunch at Ruby's. OMG. OMFG.

Blurry Jason and I.

The Infamous Muddled Cocktail Bar before it was ravaged by muddlers.

Cutest decorated gazebo ever. The hanging onesies spell out IVY CAT. Julia is attaching the papal picadas that were bright and awesome.

The most wonderful host and party planner, Ruby, the most wonderful friend and helper Julia, the most wonderful fruit snack and belly-sized object, watermelon, and me.
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