Friday, November 6, 2009

Piecemeal Mama Advice

I've got this plan to write a big 'ol post filled with all the wisdom and secret tricks and product recommendations that have made their way into my brain over the past 4+ months. And oh, I've thought a lot about what to write. But oh, I never manage to do it.

Case in point: I am now typing this one-handed because I am nursing. And it's not even my good hand.

So rather than one big long crafted post, I'll try to offer my thoughts in the tiny bursts that this baby allows.

Thought #1: Once you have a baby, it becomes really hard to get anything done. It WILL all get done (mostly) but it will take a long time. I could elaborate, but I can't right now. Let's just say it took me over 10 minutes just to write this.


Unknown said...

Oh god, do I hear you on that. Also one-handing it right now. But I think the list is an admirable idea.

Katie said...

Yes. Seems right. Looking forward to more piecemeal advice from the first 4 months of experience.

tinyheat said...

amen, sister! glad i found your blog (thru bad lil mama) and am looking forward to the times you do get to write.