Friday, June 19, 2009

It Finally Got Nice + Hot Out

Hi Everyone!

I have not had a baby yet. I promise I will let you know. She will be here soon, that's all we know (never has the word 'soon' seemed so vague). I am feeling excellent—after a week of laying around, napping, reading, and generally loafing, I finally got bored yesterday and made myself do stuff (errand running, shopping, dog walk, and a swim in Lake Temescal). I felt energetic and happy, though by the end of the evening I was very ache-y in the groin, and started to really sense her presence atop my cervix in a very intense and not altogether pleasant way. That feeling continues today—it's not a constant discomfort, but it definitely comes and goes and when it comes, it hurts. So yay! I think moving around made her drop even lower (how is this even possible?) I will continue to move around this weekend, which involves two showers (bride for Dana tomorrow; baby for Jen Loy on Sunday). Aubs returns from her Outstanding in the Field trip on Monday—we're assuming Ivy'll wait until then.

So anyway. Jason's using power tools on the porch because he's making bathroom shelves. I've turned into a total neat-freak—clutter of any sort drives me crazy, and I had the housecleaners come back and reclean because they did an unsatisfactory job (I felt like such a mean old rich lady doing this, but seriously, I paid them a lot of money and they did a crappy job!) Today I went to Alameda and bought a nursing bra, and two 'night bras' (you have to wear bras at night after you have a baby? Who knew?) They are not remotely sexy, but they are majorly comfy. So, there ya go. And really, everything's in place.

The birth tub is set-up. Test run was a success, and I spent several nights floating about in it, loving it very very much. Now it is drained, and awaiting labor.

Text message groups have been made to ensure easy labor notification for all interested friends and family; Important Phone Numbers list is made, and is on the fridge; email group has been made so we can send out epic post-birth OMG OUR BABY IS SO CUTE email.

My Labor Mix has been created—14+ hours of favorite mellow songs.

Jason is planning his Twitter birth announcement, and I'm visualizing the birth, as well as the 1st family photo (can we possibly get both cats, the dog, the baby, and us to be still for a picture? Will I be able to tolerate such an abundance of squirming, excitable life energies?)

In general, everyone's on alert. Every time I call my mom or sister or Jason, they assume it's 'the call.' I've told them I promise it'll be the very first thing I say when they answer.

My sleeping is better, though I now wake every hour to pee. Though for some reason, there tends to be a 2-hour period between 3 and 5 where I don't wake. This is a nice period.

Aaaaaand now I'm going to make a galette. Peach, plum + nectarine. A galette is a good thing when you don't want to worry about an attractive crust. That's more Advice for Ivy right there.

Aaaaaand actually maybe I'll take a nap instead.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I hope I'm on your mass email list! Do you have my email? kahays@gmail. I want lots and lots of photos even if you don't meet the goal of getting 2 cats, dog, Jason, you, and Ivy all to be still and in the frame. Actually, especially if you don't. So excited for you, Kate. Any day now! Craziness.