Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I'm feeling hot hot hot

Ruby and John's turtles have a special relationship.
The husbands built a pizza oven while the wives lounged and ate.
This is how mama kicks it on some hot days. On other days, she is inside, w/ fan. The beer's pretty much a prop, though I did have some fabulous sips.
Me and Ruby in her glorious yard.
Can you believe that my friend owns the house that has this yard? Oh and look, my big preg

Me, Jason and Buzz at the dog park.

We seem to be having a heat wave, and I am realizing that perhaps heat and the 3rd trimester are not very good friends. I generally adore the heat, cannot get enough sunshiny summer weather, but oh is it making me lethargic! Luckily there was a delightful river (the Russian) to keep me cool this weekend, as we spent a blissful time up at Ruby and John's domestic paradise in Healdsburg; now back in Oakland I do have a wondrous fan that Jason bought me last night before he left for his absurdly long White Whale New England Tour '09 (he's not coming home for a week!)

Yesterday I was straight up sick, as in barf followed by extreme lethargy, but today I definitely feel better. Still taking it easy, and sticking close to the fan. And lots and lots of water and cool foods like grapes and cucumbers and popsicles. In addition to the heat, I think I'm feeling this way because Ivy is having an epic growth spurt—I'm going to confirm this with Amrit when I see her in two days, but she me at our last appointment to expect some fatigue around this time, cuz baby does some major growing around 30-33 weeks. Or so. I can definitely feel that she's bigger—I can locate her parts more distinctly, and her movements feel more intense and defined, and, in general, it all just feels bigger and heavier.

In other news, I have ceased my kickboxing activities and increased my swimming, which is so so delightful. I love being in the pool, cruising in the slow lane. I miss kickboxing though—especially the fact that class is always at 6. It's much easier to motivate when there's an actual time attached to the exercise event.

But anyway. There's a fly in my office and the neighbor's cat is hanging out with me. Earlier it was the other neighbor's dog, who looks exactly like a gremlin. And looooves to bark. I'm going to make a salad and convince Aubs to come over and watch American Idol. It's disco night, apparently. How fabulous.

1 comment:

Rosenhosen said...

I was actually thinking about you the other day, and hoping the heat was not too intense for you and Ivy!
Lovely to see pictures of you and the gang (Buzz looks like he's been working very hard!).
miss you!